DR in Cuba with Creativemeaning

An episode of the program ‘Horizon’ by Television channel Danmarks Radio News filmed in Cuba in collaboration with our company.

In April 2019, we traveled to Cuba with the Danish Television crew on a unique quest. The quest to understand the reality of the new Cuban society and its people. The insertion of the internet in one of the most controlled societies in the world. And how the new generations perceive their role in contemporary Cuba.

Cuba will always be a controversial setting when talking about the history, present, and future of Latinoamerica. But what is undeniable is that the Cuban Revolution, its leader, Fidel Castro, and Che Guevara inspired generations of freedom fighters worldwide in their time. However, time has changed, and younger generations of Cubans are not as linked with this revolutionary past. Instead, they aim for a new modern, connected Cuba with internet access and control over their destiny.

Together with journalist Kristian Almblad from Danmarks Radio, our company conducted research for the storyline that would find the answers to our quest and coordinate the general production. This ‘Horizon’ episode is about the new generations, their dreams, and expectations vs. the older generations and the recent insertion of the internet in the Cuban society.”

This ‘Horizon’ episode is about the new generations, their dreams, and expectations vs. the older generations and the recent insertion of the internet in Cuban society. What are the new challenges for the totalitarian government to keep control over the masses? Are we talking of a *Cuban Spring*? Instagram influencers, Youtubers, private businesses, and start-ups are the new breed in revolutionary Cuba.

They were opening the door to new uncontrolled storytelling on the realities of Cuba today! This project brought us surprising results: the stories, the people, and lifestyles are far from what anyone could expect from Cuba. For me, the idea that Cuba never changes and they still ride those old American cars is only for nostalgia chasers. Cuba is changing by the minute and, I feel, is on its way to an unsuspected future. So get a pick on the program! You will be surprised! Watch the broadcast below (Spanish and Danish only)


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